47.5162° N, 14.5501° E
47.5162° N, 14.5501° E

Frühstückspension 1000-Eimerberg
48°21'53.9"N 15°24'55.2"E
Overlooking the River Danube, this quaint seasonal bed-and-breakfast with medieval details (including a wrought-iron door and a stone cellar) is next door to Historischer Kaufmannsladen museum. It’s also a 4-minute walk from Jauerling Wachau Nature Park.
Pfarre Dürnstein
48°23'42.2"N 15°31'11.0"E
In 1372, a chapel was built in Dürnstein and dedicated to Mary, mother of God, St Andrew, St Laurence and all saints. The widow Elisabeth von Kuenring had bequeathed her estate for this purpose. In 1410, her heir Otto von Maissau founded a monastery around the chapel and brought Augustinian Canons from Wittingau in Bohemia (present-day Třeboň, Czech Republic) to Dürnstein. In the fifteenth century, the canons built the church, priory and cloister. The structure of the medieval priory was also key to the renovations undertaken in the baroque period.

The Danube River
48°23'49.3"N 15°31'08.6"E
The Danube was once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire, and today flows through 10 countries. The river runs through the 2nd largest number of countries in the world with The Nile running through 11 countries. Originating in Germany, the Danube flows southeast for 2,850 km (1,770 mi), passing through or bordering Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine before draining into the Black Sea. Its drainage basin extends into nine more countries.
Burgruine Dürnstein
48°23'51.8"N 15°31'16.5"E
The castle was erected in the early 12th century at the behest of Hadmar I of Kuenring (d. 1138), a ministerialis in the service of Margrave Leopold III of Austria, on the estates his ancestor Azzo of Gobatsburg had acquired from Tegernsee Abbey in the late 11th century. Hadmar, who also founded nearby Zwettl Abbey, had the fortress constructed in a strategic location overlooking the river Danube. It is connected to Dürnstein through a defensive wall extending from the city walls.